General Terms and Conditions (GTC)General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
As short as possible, as detailed as necessary. So you can see everything at a glance.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. Area of Validity
    The following general terms and conditions and relative products descriptions are the basis of all legal transactions between the skyDSL Europe B.V., Waldstr. 86 - 90, 13403 Berlin, Germany, (hereinafter referred to as "skyDSL") and the customer for the provision of the Services „skyDSL“, „satConnect“ and „Bo & Mia“ (collectively "the Services" and individually referred to as "the Service"), the related other services and the sale of merchandise. Certain offers may be subject to special conditions which may take precedence or supplement these general terms and conditions. Terms of business of the customer deviating from these terms and conditions shall not apply.
  2. Conclusion of the contract
    The offers on the skyDSL websites are non-binding. With their order, which can be made via the skyDSL website, for example, the customer makes an offer to conclude a binding contract with skyDSL for the services ordered. Any confirmation of receipt sent by skyDSL does not constitute acceptance of the offer. skyDSL can accept the customer's offer within 5 working days of receipt of the order by sending an order confirmation. The contract is concluded upon receipt of the order confirmation.
  3. Activation of the service, delivery of the merchandise
    1. For the purpose of the activation skyDSL shall inform the customer about the access data required for the use of the service as well as the activation date. The activation takes place within max. 20 business days after the conclusion of the contract.
    2. Ordered goods will be dispatched within 10 working days after the conclusion of the contract and - depending on the delivery time - delivered within max. 20 working days after the conclusion of the contract.
  4. Terms of payment, charges for additional services
    1. Monthly basic fees and flat rates shall be paid in advance. Other charges, in particular connection fees, shall be paid on a monthly basis, unless otherwise agreed. Unless an earlier date has been agreed, the performance fees are due for payment at the end of five business days after the invoice has been issued.
    2. Invoices are made available to the customer electronically in the customer area. If the customer also requires the postal delivery of an invoice, skyDSL can charge a fee of EUR 2.50 per invoice.
    3. SkyDSL charges additional fees for certain services listed in skyDSL's fee table. A generally accessible, complete and valid price list is available at If a customer makes use of a service listed therein and no differing agreement has been made, the customer is obliged to pay the fees stated in the current fee table.
  5. Late payment, suspension
    1. In the event of a suspension due to late payment, the customer remains obligated to pay the non-use fees incurred for the period of the suspension.
    2. If the customer is in arrears with the payment of amounts that justify a blocking and if a warning by skyDSL is unsuccessful, skyDSL is entitled to terminate the contract without notice for good cause.
    3. Insofar as the customer has the right to an extraordinary reduction of the fee for good cause after a previous fruitless warning, no blocking shall be made, provided that all other charges that are not affected by the right to reduction have been duly paid. Important reasons for the customer are in particular a continuous or regularly recurring deviation from assured product characteristics. If the parties continue the contract and do not terminate the contract despite the deviation from the promised product characteristics, the right to reduce the fee expires with a possible contract extension, but at the latest after 3 months.
  6. Rights in case of defects in delivered goods
    1. In the case of delivery of goods, there is a statutory right to liability for defects.
    2. The customer is obliged to inform skyDSL immediately in writing of any defects found and to provide all information necessary for the determination of the defect and its causes within the scope of what is reasonable.
    3. skyDSL shall remedy defects at its own discretion by repair or replacement. If skyDSL opts for a replacement delivery, you will receive your replacement device regularly within 2 weeks. In some regions, it may take longer due to regional conditions. If the manufacturer cannot deliver immediately, the delivery time will be delayed accordingly.  
    4. If the customer receives a replacement for defective goods from skyDSL, they are obliged to return the defective goods immediately. The customer will be provided by skyDSL with an RMA (Return Material Authorisation) number with which they should mark the goods before returning them.
    5. If there is no warranty case and the customer is at fault for the unjustified assertion of warranty claims, skyDSL is entitled to invoice the customer for the costs incurred in connection with the inspection of the returned goods.
  7. Liability of skyDSL
    1. Compensation claims for breach of duty and tort as well as claims for reimbursement of expenses are excluded both against skyDSL as well as to their agents and assistants.
    2. This limitation of liability does not apply if the damage was caused intentionally or through gross negligence, as well as in the case of infringement of contractual obligations, ie. contractual obligations, which fulfill the proper implementation of the contract and whose compliance with the contractual partner may regularly be trusted. Infringement on the other hand jeopardizes the attainment of the contractual purpose. It is also not valid for damages from injury to life, body or health if skyDSL is responsible for the breach of duty. The limitation shall also not apply to damages which are based on the absence of an assured property or for which liability is provided under the Product Liability Act.
    3. In the field of application of the Telecommunications Act (TKG) the liability provisions and limitations set out in § 44a TKG remain unaffected.
    4. skyDSL assumes no liability whatsoever for weather-related quality degradation of the satellite-based services and the mobile radio channel as well as for the quality of the data transmission, access times, possible restrictions on access to terrestrial or satellite networks and / or servers connected to the Internet.
  8. Customer's obligations
    1. The customer undertakes to:
      • provide complete and truthful information in the context of his orders and to keep his login details up-to-date or to notify skyDSL without delay any changes,
      • keep its access data strictly secret and not pass them on to third parties. If the customer detects or suspects that his access data has become known to third parties, he must inform skyDSL immediately,
      • pay the fees incurred by authorised or unauthorised use of the service by third parties, if and to the extent that he is responsible for such use,
      • not to interfere with, modify or damage skyDSL's network or other networks;
      • not to make available or pass on to third parties the telecommunications services provided by skyDSL (in particular Internet access services) for consideration or for other advantages and, if the customer is a private customer, not to use these services for commercial purposes;
      • not to use the Internet access services provided by skyDSL to provide commercial services of third parties that allow a certain number of users or a defined group of users to access the Internet wirelessly (in particular hotspot services), or to provide third parties with the Internet access services for the provision of those services.
    2. The customer is expressly advised that data transmitted over the Internet can be unprotected and he should therefore take all necessary precautions to make the transmission of his data as secure as possible and to protect his PC from possible attacks by third parties via the Internet.
    3. The customer is obligated to ensure that the content he posted and/or transmitted and his behaviour when using the Services do not violate applicable law. The customer is expressly prohibited from misusing or letting skyDSL's services be used or to use them for the commission of illegal or criminal acts. The customer insiscanes skyDSL from costs and claims of third parties arising from an illegal act culpably carried out by him when using the services offered by him. skyDSL is entitled to immediately delete content posted by the customer that violates applicable law.
    4. The customer is obliged to immediately report any defects that exist in connection with deviations in the services provided by skyDSL from their service descriptions. This applies in particular to deviations that give the customer the opportunity to lodge a complaint under national law or according to a regulation of the European Parliament. Complaints can be informal, but must in principle be made in writing to skyDSL Europe B.V., Waldstr. 86 - 90, 13403 Berlin, Germany, Germany and should include, in particular, the customer's name or company name, address of permanent residence or registered office or place of business, contract number, and, where applicable, the address of the location of the services provided by skyDSL. If complaints are not communicated promptly, the customer's right to complain and/or related rights may be extinguished. This is usually the case after 2 months for complaints about invoice corrections.
      If skyDSL does not comply with a complaint submitted for the billing of service prices or a service to be provided, the customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the national consumer protection center or the responsible telecommunications office.
  9. Usage restrictions, security and traffic management
    1. The customer is forbidden,
      • to transmit viruses, unauthorized advertising (spam), chain letters or other harassing or harmful messages via the Service,
      • to transmit information with illegal or immoral content or to post it on the Internet and to point out such information,
      • to use access to the Internet to operate a server and/or for the permanent networking or connection of locations or telecommunications systems,
      • to access or scan an operating system and/or a network (scanning) as well as the unauthorized monitoring of data traffic flows without the consent of the owner,
      • to establish connections that serve the purpose of allowing the customer or a third party to receive payouts or other consideration based on the connection and/or the duration of the connection (e.g. consideration for calls to chat lines or advertising hotlines),
      • to establish connections that do not serve the purpose of direct communication with another participant, but only for the purpose of establishing the connection and/or the duration of the connection.
    2. In the case of serious disruptions or a risk to their equipment or infrastructure by the customer, skyDSL shall be entitled to take immediate technical measures to ensure trouble-free operation.
    3. SkyDSL automatically has to make changes to the software of the satellite modem used by the customer (for example, updates to the firmware).
    4. SkyDSL is entitled to temporarily interrupt the service, to restrict it in duration partially or completely, as long as this is due to reasons of public security, due to legal requirements, the security of the network operation, the maintenance of network integrity, data protection or the Necessary work or technically necessary work.
    5. To the extent that skyDSL still detects security incidents (e.g. through its network monitoring), skyDSL will minimize the impact through a timely response from its employees. If an inappropriate response by the provider to security incidents results in damage to the customer, the customer has the right to compensation to the extent permitted by law, to the extent that skyDSL is responsible for the damage.
    6. The traffic management measures applied have no impact on the customer's privacy and the protection of their personal data.
  10. Term and termination of the contract
    1. The term of the contract begins with the unblocking of the service according to para. 3.1. ( "Tariff start").
    2. If a minimum contract term has not been agreed upon, the contract is concluded indefinitely. The contract may be terminated with a period of four weeks at the end of each contract month.
    3. If a minimum contract term has been agreed, the contract will automatically be extended by 12 months in case the contract has not been terminated with a notice period of 4 weeks at the end of the contract term.
    4. Additional options booked may be terminated at the terms and terms agreed with the option. With the termination of the contract on the standard performance contract conditions also terminate over additionally booked options.
    5. The right of the parties to extraordinary termination for an important reason after a previous unsuccessful warning remains unaffected. Particularly important reasons for the customer are continuous or regularly recurring deviations from guaranteed product properties. Important reasons for skyDSL are in particular breaches by the customer of the contractual obligations incumbent on him in accordance with these general terms and conditions as well as breaches of criminal regulations or other legal provisions. If skyDSL terminates the contract without notice for reasons for which the customer is responsible, skyDSL is entitled to a claim for damages due to non-fulfillment of the contract. This also includes the damage that skyDSL incurs as a result of the fact that the contract could not be carried out beyond the originally agreed duration.
    6. The termination of services by third parties (in particular network operators and satellite operators), which skyDSL uses to fulfil its obligations to the customer, for reasons not justifiable by skyDSL, shall entitle skyDSL to extraordinary termination if any other procurement of the services rendered by the third party is not possible for skyDSL or is only possible under disproportionate expenses. Furthermore, skyDSL has the right to terminate without notice, if it becomes economically unacceptable to provide the agreed services by fundamental changes in technical or legal standards. SkyDSL will notify the customer without undue delay and, if necessary, reimburse any basic charges that have not yet been expended for the current month.
  11. Remote terminals, reservation of ownership
    1. If for the duration of the contract terminal devices (eg. satellite modem or satellite antenna) are handed over to the customer free of charge (loan), this equipment remains the property of skyDSL. The customer is obligated to deal with the equipment provided carefully. After termination of the contract the customer shall return the equipment sent to him to skyDSL at his expense and at his own risk. A liability for deficiencies that occurred during the duration of the lending agreement on the equipment provided and not due to improper handling is taken by skyDSL according to the legal requirements. Replacement of a damaged or destroyed equipment during the term of the contract is made at the customer's request and, if skyDSL is not responsible for the damage or destruction, at the expense of the customer.
    2. If the customer rents a terminal device (for example satellite modem or satellite antenna), it remains the property of skyDSL. The customer is obligated to deal carefully with the equipment provided. After termination of the contractual relationship the customer shall return the terminal sent to him to skyDSL at his expense and at his risk. SkyDSL is liable for defects which occur during the rental contract and do not result from an improper treatment of the rented property. Liability-independent guarantee liability (§ 536 a para. 1, case 1 BGB) is excluded.
    3. If, within the scope of the product chosen by the customer, the terminal device is provided free of charge to the customer, the ownership of the equipment passes to the customer upon handover. In this case, skyDSL assumes liability for defects pursuant to section 6.
    4. In the event of the sale of goods to the customer, skyDSL reserves the right to ownership of the delivered goods until the purchase price has been paid in full.
    5. All rights to a licensed SIM card including the granting of rights of use for software installed by skyDSL on the SIM card are with skyDSL. Due to technical modifications, skyDSL is entitled to replace the SIM card with a replacement card.
    6. After the end of the contract and if the customer has paid his liabilities to skyDSL in full, an unlocking of devices bound to skyDSL, which are the property of the customer, takes place.
  12. Amendments to the terms and conditions and performance specifications
    1. SkyDSL may amend the general terms and conditions, as far as it does not affect essential arrangements of the contractual relationship and this is necessary to adapt to developments that were not foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract and whose neglect would significantly interfere with the fair balance of the contractual relationship. Significant changes include, in particular, the nature and scope of the contractually agreed services and the duration of the contract, including the arrangements for terminating the contract.
    2. The performance specifications may be amended if this is necessary for legitimate reasons and the customer is not objectively affected by it when regarding the performance specifications included at the moment of the contract (for example, maintaining or improving functionalities) and as long as it does not deviate significantly from them. A legitimate reason exists if there are technical innovations with regard to the services owed or if third parties - from whom skyDSL receives necessary advance performance for the provision of the agreed services - will change their offer of services.
    3. Intended changes to the general terms and conditions or to the performance specifications will be communicated to the customer in writing at least 30 days before their impact. Customer consent is deemed to have taken place if he does not object to the change within 30 days of the announcement in writing and stating his customer number. If the customer rejects the change, the customer will not be affected by it and the contractual relationship can be terminated by skyDSL at the end of the contract term. SkyDSL will point out the consequences of these changes separately.
  13. Final Clauses
    1. SkyDSL can use their service of third parties to meet its contractual obligations.
    2. The customer can transfer the rights and obligations of this contract to a third party only with the prior written consent of skyDSL. The consent can only be refused for a factual reason.
    3. The business relations between the Contract Parties are subject exclusively to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The determinations of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) do not apply. If the customer acts as a consumer, apply the mandatory consumer protection regulations, applicable in the country in which the customer is habitually resident, as long as those provide the customer with further protection.
    4. If the customer is a merchant, a legal person of public law or a public special fund, the court of jurisdiction for all claims resulting from the contractual relationship is Berlin-Reinickendorf, Federal Republic of Germany. However, skyDSL may also sue the customer at its general court.

skyDSL Europe B.V., State: July 11, 2022