Broadband Internet via satelliteBroadband Internet via satellite
Broadband Internet via satellite
We bring fast internet to your home, even if you don't have a cable or DSL connection!
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Internet at home from 19.90 €Internet at home from 19.90 €
Internet at home from 19.90 €
Fast, anywhere, with no minimum contract term. Find the right connection for you now!
To the offer
Everything you needEverything you need
Everything you need
Unpack, install and connect to power. Our skyDSL2+ complete hardware package ensures that you can now experience maximum bandwidth at home!
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30-day money-back guarantee30-day money-back guarantee
30-day money-back guarantee
Simple, convenient, risk-free. Order now and test it at your leisure, thanks to our money-back guarantee!
Satisfied customers are the best recommendationSatisfied customers are the best recommendation
Satisfied customers are the best recommendation
100.0% customer satisfaction, friendly service, easy installation, good speed. Read what our customers are saying about skyDSL
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skyDSL - Your new Internet!

Broadband Internet via satellite

Broadband Internet via satellite

We bring fast internet to your home, even if you don't have a cable or DSL connection!
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Internet at home from 19.90 €

Internet at home from 19.90 €

Fast, anywhere, with no minimum contract term. Find the right connection for you now!
To the offer
Everything you need

Everything you need

Unpack, install and connect to power. Our skyDSL2+ complete hardware package ensures that you can now experience maximum bandwidth at home!
Discover now
30-day money-back guarantee

30-day money-back guarantee

Simple, convenient, risk-free. Order now and test it at your leisure, thanks to our money-back guarantee!
Satisfied customers are the best recommendation

Satisfied customers are the best recommendation

100.0% customer satisfaction, friendly service, easy installation, good speed. Read what our customers are saying about skyDSL
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No DSL available?<br /> Internet via satellite as a real alternative to DSL!

No DSL available?
Internet via satellite as a real alternative to DSL!

skyDSL is your alternative choice of a satellite internet provider in Spain which offers you advantageous flatrate tariffs. Within our skyDSL you will connect through the internet anywhere, even in places where there is no optic fibre or DSL-Internet availability. As an internet provider in Spain we offer fast internet with up to 50 Mbit/s along with the complete hardware package.

Modern and fast Internet via satellite

Satellite Internet is nowadays a modern and reliable technology to get fast internet connection in rural or urban areas. The installation and activation is quick and easy. The internet connection has high-speed and the attractive prices from skyDSL will convince you.

regardless of weather conditions

regardless of weather conditions

Thanks to our ACM technology the skyDSL works regardless of weather conditions. The ACM will automatically look for a more stable connection to your satellite modem. That is why your faster and newer internet connection works better than traditional satellite TV.

Convenient offers sky<span class="four"> DSL</span>

Convenient offers sky DSL

The satellite alternative to the DSL internet is available with the provider skyDSL for only 19,90 €. Without extra charges is included in all options: no contract commitment, e-mail address and your personal HomeSpace.
TV & Phone

TV & Phone

With the help of our skyDSL2+ Satellite TV expansion kit you can use the skyDSL2+ antenna at the same time for internet and TV reception. Calls using VoIP are also made inexpensively through your new skyDSL2+ connection.

Enough of slow internet!

Enough of slow internet!

Change now to the provider with the most economic fixed prices and get in addition to our current offers up to 200 € as change bonus. Get now your new, fast internet from skyDSL!
Flatrate without data volume restrictions

Flatrate without data volume restrictions

skyDSL is the only internet through satellite provider that offers access to internet without volume restrictions. Therefore, when ordering your new internet connection, you don’t need to worry about the volume of data being 2 GB, 10 GB or 20 GB. Nobody wants to remain without internet just because in one month the usage was higher. So you can use the internet freely and meaningfully.

By the way: to assure an even more comfortable TV experience we recommend you to get satellite TV. With the skyDSL2+ Satellite TV expansion kit you can get up to 1.000 television channels with our skyDSL2+ antenna. An enormous variety offered only by satellite.

Performance with quality

skyDSL represents high-speed internet connection with superior performance! We are so confident about our internet connections that, not only are we the only internet provider in Spain to show the skyDSL2+ tariffs actual bandwidth available on our skyMonitor, but we also offer a money-back guarantee and a promise of bandwidth. Give us a try and we will convince you like many hundreds of thousands other customers before you.



Since more than 20 years skyDSL develops innovations in the field of internet via satellite. Competence that already reached hundreds of thousands. Take also now the advantages of skyDSL!
Competent Service

Competent Service

Your satisfaction as customer is our main concern. For this reason skyDSL has its own call center service. Therefore, you will be speaking directly with one of our friendly staff members when you have questions. Because only we are skyDSL!

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Our efforts are aimed to use the global natural resources reasonably and economically. We also offer our employees an above average working environment. As a customer, you profit directly and also indirectly from that.
Beautiful wireless world

Beautiful wireless world

The skyDSL2+ Modem is connected to the antenna with only one cable. The distribution of the internet access within the house can then be done with a regular wireless router.
Facts checking: Latency and skyDSL

Facts checking: Latency and skyDSL

There are two important factors regarding data transfer: The delay from input into a system to the desired outcome (Latency) and the speed of data transfer. A perfect internet connection would have then no latency and an infinite bandwidth. But in reality all internet connections have their bandwidth limitations and latency.

However, the latency plays a role only with slow Internet connections and very small amount of data. Even with less than 0,25 MB the skyDSL can deliver a faster internet connection than the conventional slow DSL connection. This is less than a small website.

skyDSL thus accomplishes not only the technological masterpiece data quality to be transmitted securely up to four times around the earth in a fraction of second, but it is also comparable to the most fast DSL connections available despite of its latency. Technology that benefits and inspires!

Online gaming with skyDSL

Most online games have no special requirements regarding latency. Especially web-based online games work with skyDSL significantly better than with conventional slow internet connections. An exception is the group of the so-called Ego-shooter. Here the combination of a normal DSL connection and skyDSL can be useful. So you have low latencies and high bandwidths and thus the best of both worlds.

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