Press photos
In this section you can find current press photos and company logos. Please always include picture information if published and forward a sample copy of any reprints. We appreciate your collaboration!
skyDSL Logo
high resolution (print):logo_skydsl.eps
cmyk, ca 28x21 cm, ca 0,8 MB
for screen applications (web):
72 dpi, 600x249 px, ca 26 KB

Satellite antenna
for the reception of sky DSLPhotographer: Andy Küchenmeister
high resolution (print):
300 dpi, ca 20x24 cm, ca 9,8 MB
for screen applications (web):
72 dpi, 567x683 px, ca 44 KB
To download a cmyk picture, click on the right button of the mouse and save by clicking on:"Save Link As"