Love Internet Days<br />Secure a discount of up to 40% now!Love Internet Days<br />Secure a discount of up to 40% now!
Love Internet Days
Secure a discount of up to 40% now!
Order a skyDSL2+ subscription and save now up to
20 € for the set-up fee!
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Up to 30% discount for new customersUp to 30% discount for new customers
Up to 30% discount for new customers
Order a skyDSL2+ connection now and get three times up to 30% discount on the basic fee!
Learn more
More than 25% Welcome DiscountMore than 25% Welcome Discount
More than 25% Welcome Discount
Become a skyDSL customer now and secure your skyDSL2+ Home S connection at a discount of more than 25% during the first contract term!
Learn more
Streaming DealStreaming Deal
Streaming Deal
Combine discounts now: skyDSL2+ Home L + Streaming Option = Secure the best price-performance ratio!
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skyDSL2+ hardware offer for skyDSL Club  membersskyDSL2+ hardware offer for skyDSL Club  members
skyDSL2+ hardware offer for skyDSL Club members
Order a skyDSL2+ Premium plan with hardware rental option now and get up to 70% off for six months, depending on the hardware combination!
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Free shippingFree shipping
Free shipping
We deliver your new skyDSL2+ complete package conveniently and with free shipping at home!
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Up to  € change bonus!Up to  € change bonus!
Up to 119,70 € change bonus!
Change now to skyDSL, get a fast internet connection and secure up to 119,70 € change bonus!
Learn more

Discounts Overview skyDSL

Secure now the current discounts and actions for your new fast internet from skyDSL! Take the chance to change to Europe's pioneer for internet via satellite with our low-priced-economic offers.

You can easily obtain your free offers from skyDSL...

Choose one of the following discounted rates upon your order. Giving a coupon or discount code is not necessary. All current valid discounts will be considered at the time of the order. Saving could not be easier.

Please note that the availability of discounts, package deals, discounts, competitions and promotions is limited. The respective validity, as well as the amount of the discount, can be found directly below the offers' description on this page. So benefit before the end of the respective special discount of a bonus on the following bargain-actions!

Love Internet Days

Order now a skyDSL2+ subscription and pay only 29,90 € instead of 49,90 € for the set-up fee.
valid for 2 days

Order now fast internet and save up to 20 €!

During our Love Internet Days you get your skyDSL2+ subscription at a bargain price. Get one of our skyDSL2+ subscriptions and skyDSL gives you currently 40% of the set-up fee for free.
Setup:  -20 non-recurring
skyDSL2+ Home L with streaming option
Setup:  -20 non-recurring
skyDSL2+ Home L
Setup:  -20 non-recurring
skyDSL2+ Home M
Setup:  -20 non-recurring
skyDSL2+ Home S
Promotion Period
valid for 2 days
The discount will be granted only once on the cost of the set up and deducted directly from the invoice amount.
New customer offer

New customer offer

Get started now: Get up to 30% discount on the basic fee!
valid for 2 days

Get started now and get three times up to 30% discount on the basic fee!

Start now with skyDSL at the best price! Get a skyDSL2+ plan and save up to 30% on the basic fee in the first three billing periods. Take advantage of this unbeatable opportunity and become a customer of skyDSL today!
Basic fee:  -12 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home L with streaming option
Basic fee:  -12 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home L
Basic fee:  -8 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home M
Promotion Period
valid for 2 days
The discount is granted to all new customers on the basic fee of your chosen tariff and is deducted directly from the invoice amount. A new customer is someone who has not been a customer in the past 12 months.
Welcome discount

Welcome discount

Start inexpensively now: get more than 25% discount during your first contract term!
valid for 2 days

Become a skyDSL customer now and get more than 25% discount on your monthly price!

Becoming a skyDSL customer has never been so easy! Because you pay for the skyDSL2+ Home M connection during the first contract period only 19,90 €. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to enter the world of satellite Internet in a cheap and convenient way. Order your skyDSL2+ connection today!
Basic fee:  -8 over the first month
skyDSL2+ Home S
Promotion Period
valid for 2 days
The discount is granted to all new customers on the basic fee of their chosen tariff and is deducted directly from the invoice amount. New customers are those who have not been customers in the past 12 months.
Streaming Deal

Streaming Deal

Start now and secure the best discount combo:skyDSL2+ Home L + Streaming Option. Don't miss out!
valid for 2 days

Act now and save Streaming Option – secure it at a great price!

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get the best of skyDSL2+. Thanks to the discount combination of skyDSL2+ Home L + Streaming Option and our money-back guarantee, you can dive risk-free into the world of satellite internet. Enjoy fast internet on your computer, smartphone, or tablet without compromising on streaming. Get your skyDSL2+ Home L with Streaming Option today!
Basic fee:  -7 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home L with streaming option
Promotion Period
valid for 2 days
The discount will be applied directly to the recurring amount of the booked tariff. This promotion is tied to the tariff you have chosen and will only be granted if the subscriber continues to use this tariff without interruption.
Rental Hardware Discount

Rental Hardware Discount

Only now for six months up to 70% discount when choosing the hardware rental option!
valid for 6 days

Up to 70% discount on hardware rental. Save 48 € now!

With our Hardware (Rent) you can take advantage of our skyDSL2+ Premium clubs at a particularly low price. Simply select a corresponding skyDSL2+ Premium tariff when placing your order and the rental option as hardware. Depending on the hardware combination, you can get up to 70% off your rental costs for six months.
up to
Rent:  -8 for 6 months
skyDSL2+ Home L with streaming option
up to
Rent:  -8 for 6 months
skyDSL2+ Home L
Promotion Period
valid for 6 days
The discount on the monthly hardware costs will be applied to you during the first six months of the period of use of the skyDSL2+ plan you have chosen and will be automatically deducted from your respective invoice amount. The monthly discount is only valid for new customers and is tied to the rate you have selected as part of this discount promotion and will only be granted during the specified term and for the uninterrupted period of use of this tariff by the contractor. A new customer is someone who has not been a customer in the past 12 months.
Shipping costs

Free Shipping

Order skyDSL2+ Home L now and skyDSL delivers the hardware free of charge.
valid for 6 days

Have the hardware delivered for free now! In our tariff skyDSL2+ Home L you currently pay no shipping costs.

With our free shipping with our skyDSL2+ Home L tariff, your skyDSL2+ complete package will be delivered to your home conveniently and free of shipping costs. Order one of our special offers now and save 29,90 €!
up to
Delivery costs:  -2990 non-recurring
skyDSL2+ Home L with streaming option
up to
Delivery costs:  -2990 non-recurring
skyDSL2+ Home L
Promotion Period
valid for 6 days
The discount will be granted once on the shipping costs of the skyDSL2+ complete package and deducted directly from the invoice amount.
Change bonus

Change bonus

Change now to skyDSL and get up to 119,70 € as change bonus.
valid for 6 days

Change your provider now and secure a change bonus of up to 119,70 €.

Would you like to use skyDSL but you are bounded by contract to another Internet provider? It doesn't matter! If you have a DSL, Mobile, LTE or another Satellite Internet service, with our skyDSL you avoid being charged double. Change now and enjoy today's fast Internet skyDSL. So you get your chosen skyDSL2+ completely uncomplicated, smoothly and without interruption.
Basic fee:  -3990 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home L with streaming option
Basic fee:  -3990 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home L
Basic fee:  -3290 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home M
Basic fee:  -2790 for 3 months
skyDSL2+ Home S
Promotion Period
valid for 6 days
Order your desired skyDSL tariff. Send us after ordering and within 2 weeks by post, fax or email, a copy of the last invoice and a copy of the cancel confirmation from your current internet provider. During the remaining period of the old contract you will get automatically a credit note equal to the respective basic fee for your current internet connection. Please note that the maximum exchange bonus is limited to the time period and discount specified for your skyDSL wish tariff.